SISTER STUDY . . . Going Through the Bible in One Year

Betty Predmore Betty Predmore


Matthew 2:13-3:6

(January 2)

How good are you at following orders? I’m not so good at it sometimes. I much prefer beings asked as opposed to being told.

It's a good thing Joseph was a little more humble than me (and probably many others). When an angel appeared to him in a dream, Joseph was told, “Get up! Flee to Egypt with the child and his mother. Stay there until I tell you to return, because Herod is going to search for the child to kill him.”

Joseph did as he was told, which saved Jesus from being murdered. But Herod got so mad he had all boys two years old and under to be killed. This was an attempt to kill Jesus but was not successful. He may have been a king by human standards, but he couldn't compete with the one who became king by divine appointment.

It wasn't that unusual for Jews to go to Egypt. Many had because there were colonies in all the major cities that had developed during the great captivity.

The parallels are interesting between this flight to Egypt taken by Joseph and his family, and many other Jews, and the history of Israel.

Israel went to Egypt as an infant nation. Jesus went as an infant child. God led Israel out and God brought Jesus out when the time was right. Through both of these parallel events, we see God working to save his people.

Joseph kept his family hidden until Herod died and an angel appeared and told him he was to take them back to Israel.

It was in those particular days that we find John the Baptist arrive with a message to preach. He was not your ordinary man, he stood out from the crowd with his camel hair clothes and the locusts he ate. He became quite popular all around the Jordan Valley. When people came and repented of their sins, he baptized them in the Jordan River.

Another parallel … a man who comes to preach repentance and ends up murdered for his words. Both John and Jesus suffered this same fate.

I truly believe that there is another parallel we don't actually read in this book …the fact that both of them would do it all over again, even knowing the outcome, for the sake of our salvation.

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Debbie Sempsrott Debbie Sempsrott

Mysterious Plan

One-Year Bible: 01/02/2023

Genesis 3:1-4:26 Mysterious Plan

“I was chosen to explain to everyone this MYSTERIOUS PLAN that God, the Creator of all things, had kept secret from the beginning.”--Ephesians 3:9

The New Testament restates the major themes of the beginning of time as stated in the book of Genesis. Here are some examples that you may want to read…

“Light to shine in darkness.” (2 Corinthians 4:6b)

“Made them male and female.” (Mark 10:6b)

“And God rested on the seventh day from all his works.” (Hebrews 4:5b)

“The first man Adam became a living being.” (I Corinthians 15:45b)

We are also told about a deeper underlying drama at the center of creation. That battle involves “the elephant in the room” or, more specifically, “the trees that stand in the middle of the garden”…(Gen. 2:15-17)

As we ended our reading yesterday, we learned that God placed Adam in the garden and created Eve for Adam so that he would not be alone. They were to be “fruitful and multiply” on the earth. They were God’s own masterpiece and “Living Breath.”

It is interesting that God did not place his creation in a palace. He placed them in a garden where they were to tend to the needs of others by serving creation and worshipping God. However, at the center was “FREE WILL”; they would choose.

They were NAKED but UNASHAMED!

We see from the account here in Genesis that man had the ability to rule over the garden and to make their own CHOICES, and so came God’s warning to them. They could eat from any tree in the garden except for the tree “of the knowledge of good and evil.” God warned them, “If you eat its fruit, you will surely die.”

The “Knowledge of Good and Evil” is part of the Mystery of God. To understand all that is behind creation is to “Be Equal with God” rather than to serve HIM.

There is one who wants to be “equal with God,” and he slithers into the garden to do just that… “The serpent was the shrewdest of all the wild animals the LORD God had made.” (3:1)

The serpent sought out the woman God had created and began his subtle accusations… He asked her, “Did God REALLY say you must NOT eat the fruit from any of the trees in the garden?” (3:1)

The woman restates to him what God had said, and he replies, You won’t DIE!”

God knows that your eyes will be opened as soon as you eat it, and you will be like God, knowing both good and evil.” (3:4-5)

This is the very moment that INNOCENCE DIED!

The woman was CONVINCED by temptation’s words

The fruit became theirs as she shared it with her husband, and it was “Quite a Bite”!

“At that moment their eyes were opened, and they SUDDENLY felt SHAME and their NAKEDNESS, so they sewed fig leaves together to cover themselves.” (3: 6-7)

Then the LORD called out, “Where are you?”... “What have you done?” God knew exactly what they had done but gave them a chance to confess their sin. To all of mankind came separation from God, sin, and a death sentence! After all, that was the serpent’s goal as he approached the woman in the garden…

To the serpent came a CURSE and a PROPHECY, “And I will cause hostility between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring. He will strike your head, and you will strike his heel.” (3:14-15)

The Old Testament fulfills the prophecy, “I will put ENMITY between you and the woman.” The seed of woman for generations was the root of all the ENMITY or fighting that fills the pages of the entire Old Testament.

Let’s look at what the New Testament tells us about “He shall crush your head, and you will strike his heel.” (Gen. 3:15). “And the God of PEACE will CRUSH Satan under your feet shortly.” (Romans 16:20) Who will bring this PEACE? Here in Genesis 3:15, we see the very first prophecy of Christ’s coming!

It is a MYSTERIOUS PLAN involving “The Prince of Peace.”

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Betty Predmore Betty Predmore

The Descendants of Abraham

Matthew 1:1 - 2:12

(January 1)

There was a song I used to teach my Sunday School class … “Father Abraham.” It went like this:

Father Abraham had many sons.

Many sons had Father Abraham.

I am one of them, and so are you,

So let’s all praise the Lord.

I am reminded of this song as we begin our study of Matthew. This book starts with the ancestry of Jesus, who was a descendant of David, who was a descendant of Abraham, as we all are.

It is mentioned that Jesus was born of a virgin. This is an important fact because Jesus had to be sin free, not possessing the sinful nature that has been passed down through all mankind since Adam. Being born of a woman made him human. Being born sinless made him the Son of God.

All this was a bit far-fetched for most people to believe, including Joseph, who had been planning to wed Mary, so you can imagine that he needed an explanation. So God sent the angel to explain it all, and point out the significance of this virgin birth.

God often uses angels to carry his messages to people, to protect people, offer encouragement, give guidance, carry out punishment, patrol the earth, and fight the evil forces. In other words, angels were very useful to God.

Because Joseph was a faithful man of God, he did just as God commanded and took Mary as his bride. And what came next is the timeless story we all know so well about a baby born in a manger … a stable fit for a king.

This bothered King Herod, who was not wanting any competition in the “king” department. He tried to have the Wise Men track the baby down, but he was outsmarted. God had other plans.

He has plans for each of us, all the descendants of Father Abraham.

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Debbie Sempsrott Debbie Sempsrott

The Living Word

One-Year Bible: 01/01/2023

Genesis 1:1-2:25

The Living Word

“The new is in the old concealed; the old is in the new revealed.”--St. Augustine

Welcome to an exciting journey through “The Word of God”!

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” (2 Tim. 3:16-17)

How interesting that the first encounter we have with the Living God, found in Genesis, is with “The Word” and HIS BREATH!

As a little girl in Sunday School class, I first learned the story of creation via a flannel graph. Let me explain if you are too young to understand what I am talking about. All the parts of creation, including Adam and Eve, were little felt pieces hung on the flannel graph board. “They stuck, and so did the messages I learned.”

I visually saw the darkness with the black felt background, the light of the sun, moon, stars, and sea were hung in place. Within six days, all the “seasons” were there to behold. There was the water, the fish, and the animals... both tall and small.

I was counting the days…but at a young age, I missed much of the deeper significant meanings. Perhaps, you can relate…

As we read through the Old Testament this year, I want to read the Old Testament with “New Testament Eyes”!

I pray that our eyes and hearts will be open to GOD’S LIVING WORD and LIFEGIVING BREATH in our souls.

The new is in the old concealed; the old is in the new revealed.” Augustine’s words are saying that the two work in tandem. They cannot be separated from one another. So, we will pay close attention to the verses and themes that the prophets taught, the words of Jesus, and the apostles quoting the Old Testament.

All of the New Testament rests on the foundation of the truth of the Old Testament being FULFILLED through Jesus Christ.

Many, who do not acknowledge the Bible, discount the creation story. They do not believe in actual days or in creation itself. They would prefer to endorse a “BIG BANG THEORY” and that “chaos could somehow create order.” That would take lots of faith, but it does make man the center of all. That was the original problem…

If you accept the first sentence in Scripture found in Genesis 1:1, there will be little difficulty accepting ALL of God’s Word! It is one book, message, theme, and ONE COMPLETE WORD.

“In the beginning, GOD created the heavens and the earth.”

Out of NOTHING. The world was FORMLESS, EMPTY, and covered by DARKNESS. (Gen. 1:1)

The word “BARA” used here means “out of nothing.” All creation was “breathed to life” by God out of nothing. Then God took the dirt and modeled man Adam. He then took a rib from Adam’s side and made woman, and “breathed life into her.”

Who was there for creation?

“Then God said, ‘Let US make human beings in OUR image, to be like US.” This is where it gets interesting… very INTERESTING!

The Bible begins with “US and OUR” while referring to God.

The New Testament tells of the beginning with these words, “In the beginning was the WORD, and the WORD was with God, and the WORD was GOD.” (John 1:1)

John 1:3 tells us that Jesus Christ was there at the beginning with God. “All things were made THROUGH HIM, and without HIM, nothing was made that was made.”

We see that God created everything, but He was NOT CREATED. From the beginning, there is the TRINITY… the three in one. Father, Son, Spirit. The LIVING WORD.

On the seventh day, God had finished HIS work and rested, not out of being tired, but out of “BLESSING.” He declared what He had accomplished as GOOD, and He set a precedence for the entire Bible…” Remember the Sabbath Day, to keep it holy. Six days shall you labor, and do all your work. But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORDthy God; in it, you shall not do any work…” (Exodus 20: 8ff)

God’s WORD and example were, “I have blessed you, and I desire you to bless me with your worship.”

Receive the LIVING WORD into your heart... Father, Son, and Spirit!

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Betty Predmore Betty Predmore

Tree of Life


(December 31)

As we wrap up Revelation, the angel is still with John and he has something awesome to show him. There was a River of crystal clear water flowing from the throne of God down the center of the Main Street.

On each side of this river was a beautiful tree of life. Each of these trees held produced a fresh crop of food each month. The leaves of the tree were used as healing leaves for all the nations and their ailments.

These trees were like the tree of life in the Garden of Eden. Everyone will be able to eat freely from these trees because there will no longer be sin in the world. Adam and Eve were under sin’s control, but because of the blood of Jesus, there will be no more evil or sin.

Gone were the curses. God and the Lamb were there in that beautiful city, and all could see their faces. No sunshine or moonlight was needed because the light of God was bright.

The angel assures John that everything he has seen and heard is the truth. Once again, John fell down to worship the angel. Once again, the angel reminded him that it was GOD who was to be worshiped.

The angel cautioned John to not use what he had seen to try to change the course of things. Let them be what they were, even the evil because God had the plan already worked out.

All who lived a pure life and were cleansed by the blood of the Lamb would be welcome into this new Jerusalem, but the evil doers would not.

This prophecy was spoken with the caution that nothing was to be added or removed from it. Anyone who did do would face the wrath of God and never eat from the tree of life.

So, what does all this mean? What is the Good News of Revelation? We are so fortunate. Gid is going to bring us home to him to live in glory. We will have no more pain, no more sorrow or loss. There will be no more aggravation, jealousy, fear or cynicism. Nothing but beauty and joy await us under the bright lights of God's glory … a glory we get to experience for eternity.

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Debbie Sempsrott Debbie Sempsrott

Snow on the Mountains (Part 2)

One Year Bible: Dec. 31

Malachi 3:1-4:6

“Snow on the Mountains” (Part TWO)

We end our year in God’s Word with a glimpse into the future. We often wandered through the wilderness with the Israelites in the Old Testament, but today we will travel to the MOUNTAIN.

Malachi 3:1 begins with the word, “LOOK!”

He tells us that “the Lord you seek will suddenly come to his Temple.” This Lord is the LORD of Heaven’s Armies.

Who will be able to stand in this time and face him as He is like a blazing fire?

Jesus answers this very same question in the New Testament through parables. Those that will stand on that day will be those that have prepared themselves. They will have oil in their lamp and watch for His appearing. They will be ready.

How are we to be ready?

Interestingly, our passage today reminds us that If we return to God, He will return to us.”l return to us.”. God asks us not to “Cheat Him” with our “Tithes, Talents, and Treasures.” He also reminds us that we are His “Special Treasure.”

The Old Testament ends with words that “hang in the air.”. Where is the closure, the big ending, the finale?

He says, “Remember to obey the law of Moses.”.

What is the significance of these words?

Jesus was actually asked this question by his disciples, “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the law?” (Mt. 22:36)

His response is, Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and with all your mind.” (Mt. 22: 37)

And then came Malachi’s final admonition, “Look, I am sending you the prophet Elijah… His preaching will turn the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers. Otherwise, I will come and strike the land with a curse.” (Malachi 3:5)

Why is he referring to Elijah in the final moments of his writing? What about Elijah’s prophecies and life were most significant and remembered by the people?

Perhaps you remember that Elijah, more than any other prophet, stood against the prophets of Baal and laid it on the line even when his own life was threatened. He took on the forces of evil and called for God’s power to lap up the water and show power over the forces of evil. God was the victor then, and He will be again.

Elijah did not physically die in this life. He was taken by a chariot into heaven. Not one of God’s chosen people will ever forget this man’s prophecies, nor God’s rapture of Elijah from this earth!

Listen to the words said about Jesus, “And he will go on before the Lord, in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the parents to their children and the disobedient to the wisdom of the righteous-- to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.” (Lk 1:17)

Before the people understood that Jesus was the "Son of God,” they knew he was a prophet in the “Spirit of Elijah.” They saw God’s power resting on him and the hardness of men’s hearts turning to repentance so that they loved the children and families again.

The Old Testament ends with the mention of Elijah and Moses, yet the book doesn’t seem finished. Perhaps that is because it is not finished. Not yet, anyway. In fact, it is far from over!

Who appeared on the mountain with Jesus after his death and before his return to His father in Heaven? That would be Moses and Elijah. (Luke 9:28-36)

Peter, James, and John were given a glimpse of heaven to strengthen them for the terrible trials to come.

Why did God choose Moses and Elijah to be there with his son?

Moses represented the ten commandments fulfilled in Christ with the Great Commandment, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind, and love your neighbor as yourself.”

All the commandments of the Old Testament were fulfilled through Jesus. And as for Elijah, he had won over the Satanic forces of evil and then been transported from earth into heavenly rapture through a chariot of fire.

You could say that the Old Testament is quite a “cliffhanger.”

We dare not miss the rest of the story found in Luke 9:28-36. The three disciples beheld God’s glory radiating through the risen Lord and said, “Master, it is good for us to be here. Let us put up three shelters-one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah”.

But, as they were speaking, a cloud appeared and covered them, and they were afraid.

A voice came from the cloud, saying, “This is my Son, whom I have chosen; listen to him.”

Jesus stood alone before them and was translated from earth into God’s presence. And so shall we be!

I lift my eyes to the MOUNTAINS--where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth. He will not let your foot slip--he who watches over you will not slumber.” (Psalm 121:1-4)

I pray for you and me as we begin this new year. May we love the Lord our God and our neighbors too, and may we look to the mountains from which our help comes.

Happy New Year. May our eyes behold “The Snow on the Mountains”!

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Betty Predmore Betty Predmore

A New Jerusalem


(December 30)

What John sees next is SO AMAZING! The Holy City, Jerusalem, is coming down from the heavens and it is a sight to behold.

One of the angels takes him to get a better look and gives him very descriptive measurements about this new Jerusalem. These measurements are symbolic of a place that will hold all God's people. If you notice, they are all multiples of 12, which is the number for God's people. If you remember, there were twelve tribes in Israel and twelve apostles who started the church. Twelve is a very symbolic number. These measurements, all multiples of 12, symbolize the fact that this new home will be perfect for all of God's people.

This new Jerusalem is described as the place where God will "wipe every tear from their eyes." Here there will be no more death, pain, sorrow, or crying. (Wow! Can you imagine?)

Here God will live among his people. We will no longer go up to meet him because he will come down to meet us, in the same way that he did when he became a man in Jesus and lived among the people.

This new Jerusalem is a picture of the future home God has for all his people. All Gentiles and Jews who have been faithful to God will live together in harmony for eternity.

Who won't be there? All those who lived dishonestly, practiced idolatry, or lived a life of wickedness will be excluded from this beautiful new place. Only those whose name is written in the Book of Life will be allowed to enter.

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Debbie Sempsrott Debbie Sempsrott

Snow on the Mountains

One Year Bible: Dec. 30

Malachi 1:1-2:17

“Snow on the Mountains” (Part One)

When driving in the Orange County, California area, one can often observe the snow covering the mountains in the wintertime. This is truly a magnificent sight.

For years, during many phone conversations with my mom, she told me, “I wish you could see the snow on the mountains!” She drove past them daily on her little outing to walk at the mall. We had this same little conversation so many times that I could imitate her voice and found humor in it.

I needed to return home after Thanksgiving break, so I drove for the last time to see her and say goodbye. She was in hospice care in an assisted living facility, and I had spent the week with her. She had been in a coma and could not eat or drink for days. She hung on longer than imaginable. I didn’t want to leave but had run out of sick days to use for work. It was not just raining; it was pouring, flooding, and storming as I made my last drive there. That felt about right to me…

On this day, it hit me as I drove past the mountains. The snow covering was the largest it had been in decades. The snow was massive and had come down so low that people were experiencing snow they had never experienced it before. The sight was beyond beautiful! I would enjoy its beauty the entire drive home and marvel at the works of God.

On this very same day, I awoke with a long-forgotten memory of my aunt, Louise, who was my mom’s sister. I had taken a trip with my mom, so she could say goodbye to her sister when I was just a freshman in college. It was very sad because my aunt died of cancer in the hospital. It was also an amazing time as my aunt was a very strong, vibrant Christian. As we gathered around my aunt’s bed, I witnessed a great miracle, not that she was healed, but that her final words were to heal others. Her last words were praying out loud for all of her family members by name. Her prayer of blessing was her very last word!

As a young person, I was amazed at her unselfishness, kindness, faith, and sense of hope she had. Even as she suffered and went to face her God, she prayed for others. Her faith was simply amazing. The thought hit me of how my mom would see her sister again as she awaited her heavenly home.

God’s timing, as always, was perfect and purposeful. I felt sadness for myself as I had to leave and wanted to stay, but God was calling me to pray for my entire family.

He always calls us to “lift our eyes to the mountains from which our hope comes” and to stop and look up.

As I had my last opportunity to speak with my mom, I just had to start with, “Mom, I wish you could see the snow on the mountains!”

Then it hit me. She WILL see the SNOW ON THE MOUNTAINS. It will be the most magnificent sight ever. It will exceed all earthly snow, beauty, and this world's former things.

Do you remember the eighth vision of Zechariah, which involved four chariots coming from between “TWO MOUNTAINS” made of bronze? (6:1-8)

The MOUNTAINS symbolize the idea of STRENGTH and POWER. While SNOW symbolizes PURITY. (Isa. 2:2, Dan. 2:35)

Snow in the Bible is a reminder that God makes everything fresh, pure, and perfect. “Though our sins are as scarlet, he will make us as white as snow.

What is broken will be made whole. What is wrong will be made right. What is sad will be comforted. What is incomplete will be made complete.

The book of Malachi is “the last words and moments” of the Old Covenant with God’s beloved people. He is speaking to them about what is deeply in His heart. Final words are important!

Malachi is writing them a love letter from their father, “I have always loved you,” says the Lord.

The question is, “Will they lift their eyes to see HIS POWER, PURITY, and experience His PEACE?”

This year is ending, and a new one is ready to begin. And when things end, we need to refocus our eyes on who is leading us and where we are headed. Things may seem out of control, but we have a sovereign God who is “IN CONTROL.”

The question is, "Are we looking up?"

“Woman,” Jesus replied, “Believe me, a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem…Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks”. (John 4: 22-23)

That, my friends, is the beauty of the snow on the mountains...

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Betty Predmore Betty Predmore

The Thousand Years


(December 29)

Imagine being bound in chains and thrown into a bottomless pit. Imagine being in that pit for a thousand years. There are numerous things I would prefer over that situation, but that is just what happened to Satan when an angel came down from heaven.

This thousand year period has also been referred to as the millennium. There are three differing ideas about how and when this will actually happen.

Postmillennialism describes a literal thousand-year period of time where there is peace on earth ushered in by the church. At the end of that thousand years, Satan will be released to reap havoc once more, but Christ will defeat him and reign for eternity.

Premillennialism also looks at the thousand years as literal time, but believes that Christ's second coming is what starts his thousand-year reign, but it occurs before the final removal of Satan.

Amillennialism sees the thousand years as a symbolism of time between when Christ ascends and his return. It is the reign of Christ in believers' hearts and in his church. This period ends with the second coming of Christ.

These are all different views about that particular time frame. While they differ, the great thing is that each view shows what is most crucial to Christianity ... that Christ will return, defeat Satand, and reign forever! The rest of the details are insignificant in the scope of things.

Once Satan was securely chained in for his thousand years of darkness, the souls of all who had been persecuted came back to life. This was their great reward for standing strong in their faith and not giving in to the temptations and deceit of the evil one. This is known as the first resurrection.

After the thousand years, Satan is released to gather up his armies for battle. But those armies will be consumed by fires coming from heaven, and Satan will be thrown into the fiery pit for eternity, where he will join the beast and the false prophet.

That is when all the rest of the believers will be resurrected and all whose names are found in the Book of Life will live in eternity with Jesus. Those whose names are missing from that book will spend their eternity in the lake of fire.

Where do you think you will go?

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Debbie Sempsrott Debbie Sempsrott

The Second Coming

One Year Bible: Dec. 29

Zechariah 14:1-21

The King is Coming: “Second Coming”

There is one final bell to warn the people of what is to come. That bell is to tell of His Second Coming…

Listen to Zechariah’s last prophecy about Messiah, “On that day his feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, east of Jerusalem. And the Mount of Olives will split apart, making a wide valley running from east to west. Half the mountain will move toward the north and half toward the south…And the Lord will be king over all the earth. On that day, there will be ONE LORD-- his name alone will be worshipped.” (Zechariah 14:4,9)

Perhaps you may have wondered, after all of the “bells that have been ringing,” how the Jewish people could miss Messiah. Sometimes we as Christians shake our heads in disbelief…

Some scholars believe there are more than 300 prophecies about Jesus in the Old Testament. Still, at least 55 Old Testament prophecies about Jesus are very specific about Jesus’ birth, ministry, death, resurrection, and role in the church.

Peter Stoner, the chairman of Mathematics and Astronomy at Pasadena College, was passionate about Bible Prophecy. In “Science Speaks,” he shared his conclusion on research about this topic. He says that the prospect that anyone would satisfy even eight of the major prophecies in the Old Testament would be just 1 in 10. Jesus Messiah fulfilled every prophecy in its entirety! Every single one!

As New Testament believers, we have problems understanding O.T. prophecy for many reasons. We are often like the prodigal son whose brother left his father, and in the next breath, we are the resentful older brother. Both the prodigal and the older brother somehow missed the message. Didn't they?

The Bible is this very message from cover to cover. The Father lovingly awaits our return, repentance, and restoration.

He is not about "The LAW" but about Grace...

Jesus clarifies his role and relationship to the prophets, the law, and the Old Testament. Here is what he says, “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets: I have not come to ABOLISH them, but to FULFILL them.” (Matthew 5:17)

And so, Zechariah is again “ringing the bell” to point God’s people to Messiah’s Second Coming. “On that day, even the harness BELLS of the horses will be inscribed with these words: ‘HOLY TO THE LORD’.”

They missed grasping that Jesus Messiah would not be an “earthly king” like their ancestor David who ruled spiritually while taking over their world as an earthly king. Jesus came with a spiritual kingdom. They could not begin to fathom this concept.

They missed the suffering servant, Branch of David, King-Priest, Lowly king in a manger, Betrayed, Hands pierced, Smitten Shepherd… It alluded them!

But, make no mistake, they will not miss his second return. The bell will ring, Messiah will again stand on the Mount of Olives, and “even the harness bells of the horses will be inscribed with these words: “HOLY TO THE LORD.”.

On that day, will the “BORN AGAIN” rejoice in Israel’s return to their father or resent them?

Today, we have finished the book of Zechariah. Only the short book of Malachi remains in the Old Testament. An entire era is ending. What’s next?

Did you know that there were 400 years of silence following the Old Testament?

God did not speak. No more Scripture was written. The 400 years of silence began with the warning that closed the Old Testament in the book of Malachi, “Behold, I am going to send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and terrible day of the LORD. He will restore the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers so that I will not come and smite the land with a curse.”

Then all goes dark and silent. Until the coming of John the Baptist… Once again, a voice is crying out, “Prepare the way for the Lord’s coming!”

Even as the 400 years of silence seemed to whisper that “God was dead,” He was not!

He kept every promise prophesied in the Old Testament. Every “bell” that Zechariah and Isaiah had “rung” came true!

Perhaps these days seem silent to us now as evil grows and God’s presence seems silent, still, and far removed. But make no mistake, Zechariah’s final prophecy of the Second Coming will also ring in “the fulness of time.”

The apostle Peter explains this delay to us, “The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” (2 Peter 3:9)

On that day, we will hear the father say, “You are ever with me, and all that I have is yours, but your younger brother was lost, and now he is found!” (Luke 15:11-32)

There will no longer be an Old Testament and a New Testament people. There will be A HOLY NATION, a banquet table of the LAMB, and the song of the Redeemed.

The King is Coming... The Second Coming is at hand!

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Betty Predmore Betty Predmore

The Great Banquet


(December 28)

I love banquets! I love to plan them, decorate for them, and enjoy watching everyone enjoying the food and fellowship. It is hard work, but it blesses my heart. There is something about coming together and sharing a special meal that really creates a setting for intimate fellowship and memory making.

John finds himself in the midst of the wedding banquet of the Lamb. Babylon has been destroyed and the crowds of heaven are rejoicing. the twenty-four elders and four living beings are worshipping God and giving him praise. The angel gives John some instructions, "Write this: Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding feast of the Lamb."

When John hears this, he falls down in worship, but the angel demands he get up. He is not worthy of worship. He is only a servant of God, as is John and all who testified in faith.

What exactly is this wedding feast? It is the culmination of human history ... good vs. evil ... the judgement of the wicked and the joining of Christ and the church. The church is clothed in righteousness whereas the wicked were clothing in the great sins of Babylon. The righteous who are joined to Christ are a reflection of his work. As believers, we are the bride. We are also invited guests, called to be a part of God's kingdom.

John sees heaven open up and a white horse appears. The rider had eyes like flames and wore many crowns upon his head. Reminds me of the song by Michael W. Smith:

Crown him with many crowns

The Lamb upon the throne

This rider's robe was dipped in blood and his title was Word of God. The armies of heaven followed him in their pure white clothing on white horses. There was a sword coming from his mouth. Why? To rule the nations with an iron rod and to release the wrath of God.

An angel was standing in the sun, beckoning for the vultures to gather together for the great banquet. This banquet was prepared by God (much better than any I have ever prepared, I am sure).

The beast and the kings of the world with their armies all came together to fight against the rider of the white horse. The beast was captured. The false prophet was captured. They were thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This lake is the final destination of all the wicked. The antichrist and the false prophet are thrown in now, but Satan will soon be thrown in as well, as will all whose names are not written in the book of life.

The rider of the white horse killed all the armies of the enemy with the sharp sword coming from his mouth. The vultures all gorged themselves on their dead bodies. They enjoyed the great banquet of God.

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Debbie Sempsrott Debbie Sempsrott

For Whom the Bell Tolls

One Year Bible: Dec. 28

Zechariah 12:1-13:9

The King is Coming: “For Whom the Bell Tolls”

In 1940, Ernest Hemingway wrote a novel about an American who was ordered to “take out” a bridge held by the Fascist army in the Spanish Civil War, which preceded World War II. While there, he fell in love and discovered disturbing things about war, life, and death. This message of the perils of war has also been turned into sad songs and poems.

War is a haunting human tragedy! There is a song by this very title that begins with the sound of “Bells Tolling.” It is an eerie reminder of the brevity of life.

Perhaps you may recall the famous phrase which originated in the 1623 poem by the Englishman John Donne, who wrote: “Send not to know for whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee.”

Today’s prophetic passage is like “Bells Tolling,” and it tells us of “Pierced Hands” and a “Smitten Shepherd.”

Then I will pour out a spirit of grace and prayer on the family of David and the people of Jerusalem. They will look on me whom they have pierced and mourn for him as for an only son. They will grieve bitterly for him as for a firstborn son who has died.” (12:10)

John 19:36-37 gives us the New Testament explanation of this O.T. prophecy. “These things happened so that the scripture would be fulfilled: ‘Not one of his bones will be broken, and as another scripture says, ‘They will look on the one they have pierced.’.”

Why was Jesus pierced? Isaiah 53:5 foretells why Messiah will be “Pierced.”. “But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds, we are healed.”

Matthew 26:31 clarifies the words found in Zechariah 13:7-9 about the “Smitten Shepherd.” Then Jesus told them, “This very night you will all fall away on account of me, for it is written: ‘I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep of the flock will be scattered.’”

It may be confusing when you look at Zechariah 13 because it talks about false prophets being “struck down,” and then we see Jesus taking this passage and applying it to himself.

It is no accident that Jesus was struck down. He was crucified with thieves and transgressors. He took the punishment that would go to the worst of sinners. Instead, it was heaped upon him! This punishment did not come from just the Romans.

Make no mistake, the religious leaders of that day struck him down as a “false prophet.” Not only that, He helped seal his own feat if you think about it…

Do you remember the passage in Luke 22:36 where Jesus said, “He said to them, ‘But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.”

Then, Jesus turns around and corrects Peter when he uses the sword to chop off the ear of Malchus in the Garden of Gethsemene. He says, “Put your sword away! Shall I not drink the cup the Father has given me?” (Luke 22:50-53)

Jesus tells Peter and the disciples to sell their cloaks to buy a sword but then corrects him for using the sword to protect Jesus and save his life. Are you confused yet?

They had been looking to apprehend Jesus but could find no fault in him. In fact, they could find no fault in him until Jesus handed them “the weapon.” They needed to escalate this to another level. They had labeled him a “religious revolutionist,” but his revolution was not of their world. They had labeled him a “blasphemer,” but he kept raising people from the dead.

So, Jesus placed himself squarely in the circle with transgressors and then refused to open his mouth. Do we think for one minute that Jesus was born in a stable and placed in a manger just because God forgot to make a reservation for him at “The Inn”? There was “No Room for him in the Inn” because He was the Sacrificial Lamb.

The same God who gave the Israelites word after word picture has now given them the biggest word picture of all…In a stable. Lying in a manger. Shepherd of the world. And the sacrificial Lamb. Let’s not forget to reflect on one more unfathomable word picture.

Remember Abraham and Isaac. He climbed the mountain. Took his own knife and laid his own son on the altar. In the bushes, God provided a sacrifice. This sacrifice is the thread running through the entire Old Testament, and now Zechariah takes a minute to “Ring that Bell” and call the people to remember…

Do you know what the Englishman John Donne meant when he penned those famous words, “Send not to know for whom the bell tolls? It tolls for thee”!

Donne said, “Because we are all part of mankind, any person’s death is a loss to all of us.”

You see, “We will all die, and the bell will toll for each of us.”

Death Diminishes us, but Jesus’ Substitution TRANSLATES us!

Jesus said, “The thief (Satan) comes to steal and kill and destroy, but I came to GIVE LIFE-- Life in its fulness.” (John 10:10)

Sacrificial Lamb. Substitute for Mankind. Smitten Shepherd.


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Betty Predmore Betty Predmore

Goodbye Babylon


(December 27)

After John sees the woman in his vision (who represented the city of Babylon, full of wickedness and evil), another angel appears before him, coming down from heaven. When they angel came down, the earth grew bright because of his splendor. This angel had something really important to say:

"Babylon is fallen - that great city is fallen!" After all the commerce and luxury the city had provided for so many of wealth, it has finally fallen. It had to be destroyed because it had become a home for demons.

Then another voice called out, "Come away from her, my people. Do not take part in her sins. For her sins are piled as high as heaven, and God remembers her evil deeds."

Because God knew of the evil and passed judgement because of it, this city received all the plagues of death, mourning and famine. Babylon would be completely consumed by fire. All the worldly kings would mourn this great loss, as would all the merchants who had made their fortunes there. They, too, will stand and watch from a distance, crying out about how terrible it is for such a great city to fall.

The captains of those ships will also mourn, as will their passengers and crew. They won't believe there is any other city as great as Babylon was.

Then an angel picked up a huge boulder and threw it into the ocean, saying, "Just like this, the great city of Babylon will be thrown down with violence and never be found again."

There would be no more trade, no more sounds of music and singing, no more light, no more happy voices heard, and no more trickery and deception. Babylon would be NO MORE! God's judgement would prevail.

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Debbie Sempsrott Debbie Sempsrott

I Heard the Bells

One Year Bible: Dec. 27

Zechariah 10:1-11:17

“I Heard the Bells”

My students and I participated in a program based on the American Revolution. We read the poem Paul Revere’s Ride. Perhaps, you may recall the words, “The British are coming!”

The man who wrote this poem, Longfellow, was a famous abolitionist. He stood strongly on the side of “Freedom” but then became enslaved to darkness, grief, and abandonment.

My family and I went to see Sight and Sound’s Christmas movie based on the life of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. It was touching, powerful, and filled with a timely Christmas message.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow was famous in the days of Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War. His household was filled with joy, laughter, and love. His wife was a very faithful worshipper of God. One day as Henry was taking a nap, she was near the fire, and her dress caught fire. Henry was burned badly trying to rescue her, but she sadly died.

Henry became enslaved in pain, guilt, and grief. He could not find God or believe in him. “If God gave me the voice of a poet, why did he take my poetry?” Henry asks. “I will never write again.” He had indeed lost his hope and his voice.

His son, Charlie, abandoned his faith and joined as a soldier in the Civil War. While there, he was wounded and near death. The soldiers carried Charlie into New Hope Church in Virginia, and he was near death. He lay next to the “fallen church bell” and had a near-death encounter with the Risen Lord while unconscious.

Where was the God who “took his lovely mother” and abandoned his father into a steep descent into grief and pain meds? Would he die abandoned in this broken-down church?

Abandonment and betrayal are “hard pills” to swallow, Aren’t they?

Today’s lesson is about just that… Abandonment, Slavery, and Rescue.

Zechariah 11:12-13 is an intriguing reference to 30 silver coins. Zechariah had been commanded to watch a flock of sheep doomed to the slaughter (Zechariah 11:4). Within a month, Zechariah fired the three shepherds working with him (v. , and he abandoned the flock and broke his staff. All that watched this recognized it as another “living parable” from the Lord. They understood that the Lord would remove His favor from his people and allow them to be taken captive by their enemies. (v. 6)

Zechariah then tells his employers to pay him his wages as they see fit. So, they paid him 30 pieces of silver, the price of a SLAVE. (Ex. 21: 32) Zechariah gives the coins to the Potter’s house (the temple).

This is a word picture or “bell ringer” for the Jewish people.

Zecharias is insulted as this betrayal is the price worthy of a “slave.” Why do people think this passage relates to Biblical prophecy about Jesus’ betrayal at the hands of Judas, who is betrayed for 30 pieces of silver?

Matthew 27:3-10 directly links this prophecy to Jesus, “Then what was spoken by Jeremiah the prophet was fulfilled: ‘They took the thirty silver coins, the price set on him by the people of Israel, and they used them to buy the potter’s field, as the Lord commanded me.’

Jeremiah also bought a field at the Lord’s command and was tied to this prophecy about the law, the writing, and the prophets. The message was that the Jewish people would be judged and made captives, and their debt would be paid for with 30 pieces of silver.

This passage takes me back to the story of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and his son, Charlie.

You see, while Henry was standing up for “Freedom,” he because a slave to guilt and grief.

While Charlie was wearing the uniform to fight for the freedom of slaves, he nearly lost his life and was close to being paralyzed.

He was physically paralyzed, while his father was emotionally paralyzed.

Both of them were spiritually paralyzed. They felt completely abandoned by God.

However, God met Charlie on that cold, hard floor of the New Hope Church. He saw “The Bell” that called people for years to worship and pray was now calling him…

He found hope in the midst of death and took that hope home to his father.

On Friday, December 25, 1863, Longfellow, a widowed father of six, wrote this song, “I heard the bells on Christmas day their old familiar carol play. And mild and sweet, their songs repeat. Of peace on Earth, goodwill to men… Then rang the bells more loud and deep. God is not dead, nor doth He sleep. The wrong shall fail, the right prevail. With Peace on Earth, goodwill to men.” (I heard the Bells, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow)

Henry’s greatest triumph song came out of his greatest tragedy.

The good news in today’s passage may seem hidden in the rubble, but the bell rings forth the true message. Jesus came to set the captives free! He triumphs over tragedy!!

Can you hear the bells of Christmas?

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Betty Predmore Betty Predmore

The Destruction of Babylon


(December 26)

John is not only a spectator of the events occurring around him, but he is also actually spoken to personally by one of the seven angels who had poured out the seven bowls of God's wrath.

"Come with me," the angel said to John, "and I will show you the judgement that is going to come on the great prostitute who rules over many waters. The kings of the world have committed adultery with her, and the people who belong to this world have been made drunk by the wine of her immorality."

What exactly is this angel talking about? Are you confused? Who is this prostitute? Don't worry, you aren't the only one confused. I found myself thinking ... "Who is he talking about?" But then I did a little digging and it all made sense.

The "prostitute" mentioned here is not an actual woman of immoral character. The name is a representation of Babylon, a part of the early Roman empire where there were many gods to choose from and much persecution of Christians. Many Christians were martyred for their beliefs.

The water that is mentioned as being "ruled over" by the prostitute is actually the sea commerce or the well-provisioned city. The prostitute represents seductiveness and temptation, which is what the immoral government of that time used to gain wealth and advantage. (Hmmm... we COULD be talking about current times.)

This is the very opposite of the church which is pure and obedient. Babylon is the definition of a wicked city, which is so different from the heavenly city of Jerusalem. And while Babylon is the representation of the evilness of Rome, it is also a symbol of any city or system that goes against God, the masses of people of every nation that defy God and stand in proud disobedience.

But even in all this, God has a plan. And despite the enemy, the wickedness, and the disobedience of any city or any system, God's plan will be fulfilled just as his word says.

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Debbie Sempsrott Debbie Sempsrott

The King is Coming - Ring the Bells

One Year Bible: Dec. 26

Zechariah 1:1-21

The King is Coming: “King-Priest”

Ring The Bells

For hundreds of years, church bells called people to worship, prayer and celebration.

It must have been glorious to hear them ring out, celebrating the Lord’s Birth.

During World War One, many church bells were requisitioned, melted down, and turned into artillery for the troops on the frontline. What had once been a symbol of peace and community now became tools of war. It was a very sad time.

During World War Two, church bells were silenced altogether. They were only to ring if there was an invasion. Finally, in 1943 the ban was lifted, and the bells rang again to celebrate the victory of the long, painful war and to remember the fallen.

We are approaching the final chapters of the book of Zechariah. His book had more prophecies of Jesus Christ than any other prophetic book except for Isaiah.

Zechariah “rang the bells” to invite God’s chosen people to worship, prayer, and celebration. Like the bells rung from steeples, he also rang them in warning of upcoming threats. They dare not miss the prophecies of the long-awaited Messiah.

Today we will look at another prophecy concerning Messiah as mentioned by Zechariah 6:13. ‘It is he who shall build the temple of the LORD and shall bear royal honor, and shall sit and rule on this throne. And there shall be a ‘priest on his throne, and the counsel of peace shall be between them both.”

Hebrews 6:20-7:1 gives us a New Testament perspective on Jesus as Priest and King.

It tells us that Jesus entered as a forerunner for us… and, in so doing, became the mediator between God and man and took up His appointed place as God’s eternal High Priest forever, according to the order of Melchizedek.

It is important to note that Melchizedek is the priest who blessed Abraham. What do we know about Melchizedek in the Bible? He is mentioned in only three books (Genesis, Psalms, and Hebrews). He was a priest of the Most High who gave Abraham a blessing. His name means “King of Righteousness.”

Everything in the Old Testament comes to a complete full circle, and God is once again connecting the dots for the Jews with the reference to Melchizadek.

Did you know that church bells not only rang to invite people to worship God but also to issue warnings?

In Old Testament times, the priests wore bells on their hems, and they would ring as they went into the HOLY PLACE.

In 2011, archaeologists uncovered a golden bell in Jerusalem that may have belonged to a 1st-century High Priest. This is a very interesting discussion as the High Priest’s official attire while ministering in the Holy Place of the Tabernacle and Temple included the wearing of bells on their garments.

On the hem (of the ephod) you shall make pomegranates of blue and purple and scarlet yarns, around its hem, with bells of gold between them, a golden bell and a pomegranate around the hem of the robe. And it shall be on Aaron when he ministers and its sound shall be heard when he goes into the Holy Place before the LORD, and when he comes out, so that he does not die.” (Exodus 28:33-35)

It is interesting that researchers have recreated an image showing that up to 72 bells could have sounded on the High Priest’s garments when he walked around inside the holiest place in the Temple. The exact number has been debated in the Talmud.

According to the law of Moses, the priest entered this space once a year, on Yom Kippur (The Day of Atonement).

We know that when Jesus comes back, He will enter into this Holy of Holy places. You and I may wonder, "Why in the world would there be a Temple with the old system of atonement?"

Not only is Jesus the prophet, great High Priest, and King, as Zechariah points out in this passage. He is also fulfilling the Day of Atonement as He is the perfect, sacrificial lamb. No animal could pay for human sins. It was a human sacrifice of a perfect, spotless man. The one and only begotten son of the Most High God!

Just as the days gone by, when the church bells rang again after the war was over, I wonder if Jesus will have bells on as He returns to the Temple as the Great High Priest and King… What a glorious sound that would be!

In any case, it will be a time for all mankind to bow before him… Prophet, Priest, and King.

Son of David, Long Awaited Sacrifice. Son of God. Jesus Messiah!

Ring the bells, ring the bells, let the whole world know.

Christ was born in Bethlehem many years ago.

Born to die that man might live. Came to earth, new life to give.

Born of Mary, born so low, many years ago.”

(Ring the Bells, Harry Bollback)

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Betty Predmore Betty Predmore

God’s Wrath Completed (Part 2)


(December 25)

I used to be intrigued by game shows. I loved the ones where you had to pick which door you wanted to open. Whatever was behind the door was what you won. Would it be a fabulous trip? Or a shiny new car? Or would it be the "dud" prize that no one wanted to win? Only when the door of your choice was opened did you find out what was behind it.

In today's scripture reading, we find out what was in the bowls with the seven plagues. (I can guarantee there was no shiny new car, or trip to some exotic island, but there might be a trip to some place really, REALLY warm!) So, what was in the bowls?

In Bowl #1 was the plague of malignant sores that broke out on everyone who had the mark of the beast and worshipped his statue.

In Bowl #2, the plague was poured out on the sea, turning it to blood.

Bowl #3 was poured out on the rivers and springs, which also turned to blood.

Bowl #4 was poured out on the sun, and everyone was scorched with its fire. They were burned and cursed God, instead of repenting and turning to him.

Bowl #5 was poured on the throne of the beast, which plunged his kingdom into darkness. There was grinding of teeth and cursing God, but still no repentance.

Bowl #6 was poured on the Euphrates River, and it dried up. The kings in the east could march their troops to the west without being caught by water. This river, which is in present-day Irag, was typically a protective boundary that kept the eastern empires from attacking. Now there was no protection.

Three frog-like evil spirits came out of the mouth of the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet, the unholy trinity. This imagery signifies the verbal temptations and propaganda that attract many people to their evil causes, even today.

These evil spirits were miracle workers. They gathered the rulers of the world to battle against the Lord. Their gathering place for this battle was Armageddon. This battlefield is near the city of Megiddo and guarded a large plain in northern Israel. It is strategically located near a popular and much-used international highway that led north from Egypt and to Babylon via the coastline. It overlooked the entire plan toward Galilee to the south and the mountains of Gilboa to the west. This is the place where the sinful people of the world will unite together in their final rebellion against God.

Bowl # 7, the final bowl, was poured into the air. A shout from the temple called out, "It is finished!" Lightening flashed and thunder crashed. The greatest earthquake of all times shook the earth. Babylon split into three sections and the cities of many nations became huge piles of rubble. All the islands disappeared, and all the mountains fell. 75-pound hail fell from the sky, beating the people below. Once again, they cursed God.

I'm pretty sure I wouldn't want to pick ANY of these doors (I mean plagues) as my prize. But I DO pick Jesus! My life WITH him is the prize for a life lived FOR him.

Yes, you and I get to choose to live for him and to reap the rewards of that life. All because, so many years ago, an innocent baby was born in very meager surroundings to a loving mother and father who knew how he came to be. They nurtured him and taught him in the ways of his father, and he grew into his calling of Savior to all who will call on his name.

I am so grateful for that birth in a manger so long ago, and so grateful for the grace and mercy offered each day. As we unwrap our gifts this Christmas day, may we not lose sight of the greatest gift of all ... Jesus Christ.

Merry Christmas!

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Debbie Sempsrott Debbie Sempsrott

The King is Coming - Merry Christmas, Darling

One Year Bible: Dec. 25

Zechariah 8:1-23

The King is Coming: Merry Christmas, Darling

“Merry Christmas, Darling; I wish I were with you.”-- Karen Carpenter

At Christmas time, the iconic sounds of Karen Carpenter still fill the airwaves playing in store after store. Her voice was undescribably pure, comforting, and somewhat sad…

She was literally an Icon in music in the ’70s and the ’80s. She was beautiful beyond belief, successful, and overflowing with humble talent. Karen began as a drummer, not a singer. Her brother, Richard, was the “family pick” to be a music icon. His mother supported Richard with heart and soul. Karen… not so much!

It was complicated. Then again, it always is…

Her family was from a Methodist background, and she grew up singing in the church.

Richard blocked Karen’s musical endeavors and put himself in the middle. She was not selected to sing by Richard but through other sources who saw her as “A Star” when they heard her voice. They wanted to pull her out from behind the drums as she was only 5’4 in height. I am pretty sure Richard was fine with her being hidden back there, but they wanted “HER,” not “HIM.”

The music business can be rather cruel, not to mention families!

In spite of her amazing gift, Karen never seemed to look into the mirror and see the good in herself. Her mother, brother, and her own high expectations left her seeing “Something Less”...

Richard went into rehab for an addiction to Quaaludes, and Karen struggled with Anorexia to the extent that she was hospitalized and fed intravenously to keep her alive. She had gone down to a low 90 pounds. She went through extensive family therapy.

Sources tell of her being so frail and unable to receive family words or affirmation of love, which she desperately craved.

Karen married, and her marriage lasted for a short 14 months. She filed for divorce while in the rehab center. The pain of marriage somehow overshadowed the pain of imminent divorce.

At the age of 32, with all of the world ahead of her, Karen Carpenter died from a heart attack related to Anorexia Nervosa. She died on the day that she was to have signed the final divorce papers. Certainly, her heart couldn’t take more rejection.

Her voice was the ultimate voice of Christmas joy, but sadly she lacked that very joy. She looked into a mirror that was CRACKED, and it CRACKED her!

Her first and only single was called “Looking For Love.” How appropriate and how tragic!

Disappointment. Disillusionment. Dysfunction…Those words sadly do not just belong to the tragic life of Karen Carpenter! They are the words of all mankind.

Those words describe the entire Old Testament. God sought them and somehow always managed to look into the face of a “Cracked Mirror” or idol, leaving them coming up short.

So, God not only SOUGHT them, He BOUGHT them.

They were “LOOKING FOR LOVE,” and He prepared the way to SEND that LOVE to them.

Zechariah 8:1-23 tell us, “This is what the LORD of Heaven’s Armies says: My LOVE for Mount Zion is passionate and strong; I am consumed with passion for Jerusalem.”

Zechariah goes on to tell them that the LORD of Heaven's Armies is “Planting seeds of peace and prosperity among His people.” (8:12)

God says, “Now I will rescue you and make you both a symbol and a source of blessing. So, don’t be afraid. Be strong, and get on with rebuilding the Temple!” (8:13)

Karen Carpenter sang the words, “Merry Christmas, Darling,” but tragically, she never felt like anyone’s darling!

What about you? When the presents are unwrapped today, and the piles of paper are left “IN A WAD,” will you be “IN A WAD”?

God's message is, “My love for you is passionate and strong.”

God sent his one and only begotten son, "The Darling of Heaven," to make you “HIS DARLING”!

So, Merry Christmas, Darling!

“Worthy is the Lamb, seated on the throne. Crown You now with many crowns, You reign victorious. High and lifted up, Jesus, Son of God. The darling of Heaven crucified. Worthy is the Lamb.”

(Worthy is the Lamb, Darlene Zschech)

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Betty Predmore Betty Predmore

God’s Wrath Completed (Part 1)


(December 24)

John is still getting to see more than his eyes or mind ever imagined. Everything he sees has great significance, and the blessing is that he was able to have the vision of these things to be recorded for us all to read.

God's wrath is almost complete at this time. John sees what looks like a glass sea mixed with fire. All the people who had persevered over the beast were standing on that sea. There are seven angels holding the seven last plagues that would finally finish all this.

The people standing on the sea all were holding harps and singing the song of Moses:

"Great and marvelous are your works,

O Lord God, the Almighty.

Just and true are your ways,

O King of the nations.

Who will not fear you, Lord,

and glorify your name?

For you alone are holy.

All nations will come and worship before you,

for you righteous deeds have been revealed."

John then saw that God's tabernacle was thrown wide open. If you remember from our study through Hebrews, the Holy of Holies was the most center room in the temple, and where the ark of the covenant was placed. There was a great curtain that separated this room from the rest of the temple. No one could enter this area except for the High Priest, and he could only enter on the Day of Atonement.

Only one time before was this room thrown open ... on the day that Jesus was crucified. On that day, the curtain was ripped from bottom to top.

What did this wide-open entrance mean? It is actually a symbol of the open access we have to God as believers, all because Jesus died for our sins. When we are united with Christ, we can boldly approach God. Not the case for those who refuse to repent of their sins. They will be destroyed by his presence.

Those seven angels who had the last seven plagues then came out of the temple, dressed in their spotless white linen. There were gold sashes across their chests. They were each handed a gold bowl. Each bowl was filled with the wrath of God. The temple was filled with smoke from the glory and power of God. No one could enter the temple until the angels had finished pouring out those last seven plagues upon the earth.

Just yesterday I found out I will have to have a procedure that I DO NOT want to have. I feel dread and discontent over this fact. In my little scope of the world, it is like one of the seven plagues, designed to cause me much pain. But reading this chapter puts that in a better perspective for me. I will most definitely not be enduring what the people of the earth will be enduring during these final seven plagues. God's wrath is not upon me. And the benefits of my painful procedure outweigh the negatives.

Such is the case for our relationship with Christ. The benefits far outweigh the life of sin that can be so tempting at times. We have so much to gain from living righteously for Jesus. Will we suffer? Most of us will at some time or another, some more than others. But what we gain is living in the presence and glory of God forever. There simply isn't anything better.

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Debbie Sempsrott Debbie Sempsrott

The King is Coming - Small Beginnings (Part 2)

One Year Bible: Dec. 24

Zechariah 6:1-7:14

The King is Coming: “Small Beginnings” (Part Two)

“The Hopes and fears of all the years are met in Thee tonight.”

(O Little Town of Bethlehem)

Tonight is the holiest of nights…

The candles shine, the bells ring, and carols fill the night air. It is by Jewish recording of days the very beginning of Christmas, as the day begins in the evening. Many of them, however, will miss that tonight is the answer to their hopes and fears.

They are waiting for an earthly king to solve their earthly problems.

Do you remember yesterday’s “Do not despise these SMALL BEGINNINGS?”

Tonight, I am to play handbells in a small ensemble to open the Christmas Eve Service, and we will play again on Christmas morning. Sounds lovely. No big deal, Right?

I was asked through a text by a friend, “Want to play bells for Christmas?” She wanted her mom to hear the bells again this year. It sounded lovely, and I replied, “Sure.”

We had four experienced women play three songs. The problem came that we would have more than two bells in one hand at a time! Ever tried to play 5-6 bells that are ringing at about the same time? Not only that but the melody lines were hidden! We tried for a few practices to make this happen, but time was short, and so was patience.

We had played quite some years back with a full team of bell ringers, music stands, lights, and padding for the bells. The bells were in their prime at that time, and so were we. As for now, not so much!

I offered a possible backup plan where we use regular music and play only the treble line with a piano carrying the song, as we did not have enough time, people, or skills to carry the entire song on our own. We went for that!

Bell music doesn’t come that way… So, I set about to try and select who would play the same bells in all songs with various accidentals (Not us, we hoped! The songs threw in some sharps and flats.) I had never laid out bell music like this before as it normally comes marked assigning the bells to the players. What did I know about this task? Very little. It took me a few evenings…

Meanwhile, back at the ranch ( I mean the church auditorium.) The piano now must play through the sound system. Help!!!

Everyone's “hopes were weigning” and “fears were growing.”

All of us were wondering if the bells would ever ring again, and if they did ring, would it be a painful moment?

Perhaps, “the glory days were gone”...We didn’t say this out loud, but I am pretty sure that every one of us was thinking it. Everyone was ready to “throw in the towel”... I mean the BELLS.

Zechariah is about this very problem. The people of God were back in their homeland, and the prophet was giving them the admonition from God to “Rebuild the Temple.” God is giving him visions, signs, and prophecies about what God will do through His temple again. But no one seems to be buying it…

You see, “The Glory days of the Temple” had departed. The days of David and Solomon and the most glorious Temple filled with praise, dancing, and fragrant offerings lay in rubble. How could they begin to compete with that, and if they couldn’t compete, why even try?

The prophet is moved “To lift up his eyes and LOOK.”

He receives a little glimpse of God’s government and power as he learns about the Four Chariots. Did you know that the ANGELS are often called “the Chariots of God”? (Ps. 68:17, 18:10).

Also, nations and churches are represented by different colors.

This vision is about ANGELS and NATIONS.

Our world may seem “out of order,” but Zechariah learns that God’s world is never “out of order.” He is sovereign. His spirits patrol the earth, keeping watch on the Lord’s behalf of anything that opposes the King and Kingdom’s agenda. He watches over all… even us, in our daily lives and details.

Bells symbolize a “Call to Worship” God. That is exactly what this book is all about. God called his people to not look at their past accomplishments or “Their Glory Days.” He asks them to instead look at HIS SOVEREIGN POWER. Not only is HE worthy of praise, but HE enables our praise.

Do you ever struggle to respond wholeheartedly to God’s call to worship HIM? Perhaps you may worry about failing, your abilities, inadequacies, or apathy.

To these fearful people who God called to rebuild the Temple, He said, “Not by strength or by might, but by my Spirit.” (4:6-7)

This is God’s message to us as He calls us to put Him at the center of our lives in all areas. I can’t predict how it will go tonight, but I know I will humbly show up to “Ring my Bells.”

After all, God loves “Small Beginnings”... like mangers, stables, sheep… And even BELLS.

Small Beginnings… always begin with HOPES and FEARS!

“The Hopes and fears of all the years are met in Thee tonight.”

(O Little Town of Bethlehem)

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