The Mom-Sense Mission

The mission of Mom-Sense, Inc. is to provide mentorship, motivation, encouragement, and practical guidance to women of all ages. This will be accomplished through uniting women together in conferences, seminars, and other events to find encouragement and wisdom that will nurture their hearts and give them connection and support as they navigate motherhood, career, family, and their journey with God.

Women will also be provided with classroom learning opportunities to educate them in areas including parenting, addiction recovery, anger management, grief, depression, money management, and life skills. Women will also have access to support groups such as domestic violence, and we will offer opportunities for individual counseling and prayer as resources of encouragement and support.

We will support women in a tangible way by helping them with food, clothing, and personal hygiene items at no cost to the client when funds allow.

We also hope to equip and encourage women in ministry leadership, allowing them a “safe space” for discussion and growth. We will do this by gathering these leaders together in group activities and prayer, offering opportunities for connection, mentorship and encouragement.

This will all be achieved by adhering to these 3 principal areas:

Mentorship:  As sisters in Christ and servants of the Almighty, we offer scriptural guidance and wisdom.  We are happy to walk alongside you as you grow in your relationship with Christ. We are privileged to guide you through studies, blogs, classes, and personal time with you in order for you to feel equipped to handle whatever struggle you are going through.

Connection: We want to connect with you!  We want you to join us on our social media sites and at our events.  We want to meet you, hug you, and hear your story. We want to be available to connect with you through prayer and participation in our online activities.  We want to see you in the seats of our classes, at our monthly gatherings, and at our conferences. We want to receive your personal emails and messages, and we are excited to connect with you in any way possible.

Service:  We have servant hearts, and we want to serve you.  Do you need prayer? Do you need guidance or encouragement? Do you need wisdom on how to navigate through parenting, marriage, relationships, mental health, life skills, addiction, or anger?  Or perhaps your needs are more tangible. Reach out and let us offer you solid scriptural wisdom that will get you from Point A to Point B. We are here for you!

Whatever your struggle, whatever your stage of life, Mom-Sense is here to encourage and equip you.  Please join us and be a part of this amazing ministry that has been blessed and chosen by the Lord for such a time as this.

