Tree of Life
(December 31)
As we wrap up Revelation, the angel is still with John and he has something awesome to show him. There was a River of crystal clear water flowing from the throne of God down the center of the Main Street.
On each side of this river was a beautiful tree of life. Each of these trees held produced a fresh crop of food each month. The leaves of the tree were used as healing leaves for all the nations and their ailments.
These trees were like the tree of life in the Garden of Eden. Everyone will be able to eat freely from these trees because there will no longer be sin in the world. Adam and Eve were under sin’s control, but because of the blood of Jesus, there will be no more evil or sin.
Gone were the curses. God and the Lamb were there in that beautiful city, and all could see their faces. No sunshine or moonlight was needed because the light of God was bright.
The angel assures John that everything he has seen and heard is the truth. Once again, John fell down to worship the angel. Once again, the angel reminded him that it was GOD who was to be worshiped.
The angel cautioned John to not use what he had seen to try to change the course of things. Let them be what they were, even the evil because God had the plan already worked out.
All who lived a pure life and were cleansed by the blood of the Lamb would be welcome into this new Jerusalem, but the evil doers would not.
This prophecy was spoken with the caution that nothing was to be added or removed from it. Anyone who did do would face the wrath of God and never eat from the tree of life.
So, what does all this mean? What is the Good News of Revelation? We are so fortunate. Gid is going to bring us home to him to live in glory. We will have no more pain, no more sorrow or loss. There will be no more aggravation, jealousy, fear or cynicism. Nothing but beauty and joy await us under the bright lights of God's glory … a glory we get to experience for eternity.